Monday, August 11, 2008

fear of internet ordering

We have a fair number of customers who ask for our phone number so that they can place their order that way. Most say they do not want to give their credit card number online. This always strikes us as a bit strange, since the only way we have of running the card number for the order is to go online and hook up with our merchant account people. The days of using a mechanical device or filling out a card receipt by hand are long gone, at least for us.

Another thing we notice is that some customers will write and ask us how much the shipping will be for their order. When we designed the website, we chose a shopping cart that would instantly calculate shipping as you add items--you will always know what the shipping will be (unless you are international, but you can choose your region early on). Then if you decide to NOT order, no big deal--just putting items in the cart will not constitute an order. Much easier for us if you check the cost of shipping yourself, and decide about ordering or not.

Just a couple of thoughts.

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